Friday, April 15, 2011

Nicki's New Definition of Social Media

The P-Doodle and I were out on a walk earlier this week and she ran into 2 of her fellow poodles.  Although they were a WEE BIT bigger than she was - we're talking BIG standard poodles vs. a miniature poodle - she enjoyed saying hello and being social with them, despite their deep, loud barking.  Look at all that beautiful kinky, curly black hair!  Ta-da - Nicki's new version of social media.

This brings me to the topic of the day - social media and social networking.  Yes, yes, Blogging and Facebooking and Twittering - oh my!  Inspired Interiors is having fun, but working hard to entertain you, educate you and INSPIRE you through ALL of our social media outlets.  And, we KNOW that you have a lot of friends who would be interested in what we have to say!  So, I'm wondering if you can help us get our name out there by posting a comment to this blog, signing up to follow us or even "like" us on Facebook.  Share the love a little, why don't ya?  Here, I'll make it easy for you:

Inspired Interiors Facebook Page

Inspired Interiors Twitter Page

Nicki and I thank you and wish you a wonderful spring weekend!  Woof, woof.

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