There's a lot of buzz out there on the design blogs about this new online magazine RUE. I checked it out this morning and love the "About Us" posted on their website
"We believe:
* That every color can be your favorite color.
* That a good coat of paint atones for a multitude of sins.
* That wallpaper isn't "back", because frankly wallpaper never left - it only went into hibernation.
* That friendships can be forged across continents by only a kind word, a warm gesture, and a shared lust for leopard print pillows.
* That what goes around comes around. So bake cookies for your neighbors, speak well of your competitors, and don't throw out your mother's platforms shoes.
* That great taste comes in many forms: the fringe of a carpet, the pull of a drawer, the lines of a sofa, the curve of a smile.
* That a glass of pink champagne really does a party make.
* That Coco Chanel said it best when she stated, "Fashion is not dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
* The everyone has the talent and drive to design their most beautiful life - we all just need a little nudge in the right direction.
* That the best ideas are found when you close your eyes and open your heart.
Check their premiere issue out at: